The 13th EDERED Youth Encounter took place from 5th to 11th August 2019 in Course Center Högsand, Hanko, Finland.
The theme of the Encounter was be “IT’S MY NATURE“.
Finland hosted EDERED in 2019. Eleven countries from all around Europe were invited to participate and develop the Theme “IT’S MY NATURE”. Participants aged 15-17 and their workshop leaders worked together covering topics of Environmentalism and Nature’s role in everyday life. Let’s take care of our Nature! We really need our Seas, Forrests, Mountains, Animals and everything from Mother Earth. Let’s take care of ourselves as well. It’s My Nature, it’s Your Nature! Participating countries were Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Israel, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey and UK.
Organisator of the Encounter and host was
Finnish centre of AITA/IATA